Bug Reporting

As with any language material, be it a book, a magazine article, or a transcript, it is possible for errors (bugs) to be present in the posted/published copy. In the context of this project, a bug is:

Please note: the content in the speaker bio and the abstract for each of the talks is taken verbatim from the OLS website. This content, even though it may have errors, will not be altered. This project uses a policy similar to that of a number of other projects which include verbatim copies of web content; we do not modify direct copies of content so as that the original site may be more easily found using a search engine.

To enhance the quality of our transcripts, each session is checked first by the transcriptionist, then again by one or more quality assurance (QA) staffpersons. Technical accuracy (correctness of the transcription), spelling accuracy, and markup accuracy are checked for each transcript before official release.

In the event that you have found an error or "misprint" in a transcript, please report it using our bug tracking system.

If you have a great interest in the success of this project, you may wish to consider joining the official QA team.